"I had made this list long before Nightcrawler existed but he was great in that movie!"

"Not everything is Batman & Robin level bad."

"Had to change it. Sharknado was bad, but at least it knew it was bad. After seeing the second Percy Jackson movie I knew I had to change it."

"Oscar for best Visual Effects goes to Sharknado! Best Supporting Actress Tara fucking Reid. It gets points for being so bad it's good. But it's still not that good."

"I didn't like 3/4 either for the same reasons you listed. Predator 2 I enjoy as a guilty pleasure."

"Great list. I especially agree with Bill Paxton. Sharlto Copley is another really underrated actor."

"For me, AVP was atrocious and insulting given the quality of some of the previous entries in the other franchises (Alien 3/Resurrection excluded), and the potential it had to be awesome. Paul W.S. (Wo"

"There was no CGI in Evil Dead. Not one effect. It was all old school practical gore."

"1. A Clockwork Orange 2. Full Metal Jacket 3. Dr. Strangelove"

"X-Men Origins: Wolverine doesn't count as a movie."

"Big Moranis fan much? haha. I enjoy his work too. Good choices."

"The early Don Bluth films are the best, especially Secret of Nimh and Land Before Time (but fuck all those straight-to-video sequels) and Titan A.E. is pretty damn good too. Hayao Miyazaki is a phen"

"I used to watch A Few Good Men as a kid because I liked the speeches they make in the courtroom. I didn't really understand it all when I was little but I liked watching it. I also grew to appreciate "